my life

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I kena saman.....

What a bad day to begin with. Had my breakfast, then went to pick up my car, and found out that I was fined! Blardy hell....... I was fined last evening! At 7.16pm! I'm soooooo frustrated. How can they come to fine at that time? I admit that i parked at yelow line, but then the whole road is full with cars! How come i'm the one that was fines? NOT FAIR! How come I'm the one? This explains why i had bad hair day this morning..... I hate it la...... Then I don't think i'll have enough money to survive until this month end.....

Boon commented that i looked slim FROM BEHIND, but then my waist is THICK. haha, don't this is good or not. My body shape is that, all my limbs are long and lean, but my body is short and fat. haha. I think i need to go more waist sculpture exercise, like belly dance, or just twist my waist. I already lose a few inches here, but i think it's still not enough. I need to work harder!


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