my life

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Dreams shattered

I've been quite busy this week, in the lab. Today I went to have a chat with my supervisor, getting some advice about furthering my studies under her. Seems like she's quite reluctant to accept me as a masters student, coz there have been some problem in uni. The management had cut most of the scholarships that were given to the students (from 200 to 20!). With the scholarship, fees are waived and there is a Rm1300 allowance each month. I'm so sad to hear about it. I'm not good enough to be the top 20 in uni, and I suppose I'm not good enough to get other scholarships either. The last thing i can do is to get Pa-Ma scholarship, and ask my parents to support me for another 2 years, if I want to continue, and get a loan for my fees. But my parents kept forcing me to work after this degree! If this is the case, think they too are quite reluctant to support me. I do not feel like working for a few years first, though some of my friends are doing like this, then only I go back to study. By that time, I think I already don't have the heart to study. Ah!!!!!!!!!!!! What to do?


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