my life

Sunday, November 07, 2004


I've been very moody these few days, after I got my results. I just don't know what else I can do. I know let the past saty in the past, but I just can't help feeling dishearted. I do study hard, but sometimes, it's just so unfair, those that I memorize hard enough didn't come out. Now i'm like a dead fish. Nothing I can do, so I think i just need to go have a break, then come back to study harder. Now i'm so doubtful about my ability. Should i continue? With what I've always think of. It's just so unfair. Why can't I be like others that can memorize EVERYTHING? I'm in dilemma now. sigh. I suppose this is my path, even after I enter university, still have doubt of what am i going to do. Is it normal? What can I do? It's so stressful, even after I got my results. I just hope next time, it won't be that bad. I do study! I'm not a good student o guess. I think i should just find other things that make me happy. I love doing things in te lab, but I suppose with my bad results it won't bring me any where. sigh. Why is it it's so results oriented here in this country? It just makes me sick. Why can't they do something about it? I hope my children won't go throught what am i going through now. It's depressing. Everytime you study, but the results it's just so bad, and you start to wonder what the use that God create you. so sad.


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