my life

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Bad Luck

I don't have any luck yesterday i guess. When I'm back, I noticed the whole clothes rail had fall off from the balcony of my place! It's like so high here! The good news is that luckily it didn't hit anyone who's passing by, because it's hanging on a tree! With my intimate clothing hanging from the branches, and I'm not tall enough to get it all. Lucas had to use a ladder and a stick to get everything back down. Such a hassle. I don't quite know how the thing can fall off. The second thing is, I forgot to close my room's window, and it's flooded! Every afternoon it rains in KL these few weeks, and I forgot to close my window! how could this 2 things happen to me in the same day? I just think my luck is bad bad bad these few days, and i can't anything about it. Ah well, lucky nothing burnt, coz there's an extension wire excactly under the window, and it's full of water when i found out the windown's not closed. i suppose this is the little luck i have when i met with bad luck. Think i should feel lucky la, haha.


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